Friday, January 6, 2012

Purtier Placenta


1. What Is Cell Therapy ?
Cell Therapy is the only process in the world that has been proven safe and effective in slowing down the aging process and helping you to dramatically regain your health, vitality, and physical power. Therefore it is not surprising that there have been an increasing number of consumers of placenta live cell therapy.
Unlike Human Growthh Hormone (HGH), DHEA and melatonin, cell therapy has been around since antiquity and its  use and benefits has transcended generations. Neither has its proper use been shrouded in controversy or riddled with side effects like HGH and other products.
Cell therapy, however, has been used by almost every culture and civilization since the dawn of mankind. Ingesting tissue, eiither human or animal, to acquire physical benefits has been recorded throughout history. Archilles of ancient Greece consumed the bone marrow of lions to enhance his own strength. Papyrus scrolls unearthed in Thailand, dating from about 100 years before Christ, suggested the use of placenta for rejuvenation.
The basic theory behind cell therapy was stated best by Paracelsus, a 16th-century physician who wrote: "Heart heals the heart, Lung heals lung, Spleen heals spleen; Like cures like." Paracelsus and many other early physicians believed that the best way to treat illness was to use living tissue to rebuild and revitalize ailing or aging tissue. Modern orthodox medicine lost sight of this method, so it now uses chemicals to interrupt or override living processes. While chemicals and drugs work only until they are broken down by the body's metabolic processes, cell therapy has a long-term effect, because it stimulates the body's own healing and revitalising powers.
Doctors who practice cell therapy believe that cell therapy acts like an organ transplant and actually makes the old cells to "act younger". This biological "lesson" is not quickly forgotten by the cells.
In Europe, the effectiveness of cell therapy is widely accepted. In Germany, for example, more than 5,000 German physicians regularly administer cell therapy injections. A great proportion of those injections are founded by the German social security system. Several million patients the world over has recieved cell therapy injections since the mid-1950s.

2. Why Is Cell Therapy Different From Others ?
Cell therapy is the only treatment to stimulate the body's rejuvenation system - cell renewal. Renewal is a set of built-in mechanisms that
our bodies have to keep our body tissues and organs functioning optimally. It repairs damaged cells and replaces them with new ones to
maintain a body's youth and vitality.
God made men simple ! Laying the foundations for youth is simpler than you think ! The best thing is to go back to basics and look at how
our body functions and maintains it self. Once we understand this, we can then better utilise our body's own mechanism to rejuvenate it
self. Unfortunately, today, healthcare companies complicate things depending onthe product lines they are promoting and representing.
In simplicity, to preserve out youthfulness, our body's anti-aging system needs to function optimally at three interdependent levels- Protection, Repair, Renewal/Regeneration.
Level 1: Protection
  • The body's ability to protect its "healthy cells" from destruction by harmful free-radicals.
  • The better the ability to protect our healthy cells, the longer and healthier our lives will be.
Level 2: Repair/Healing
  • The body's ability to repair the cells that have been demaged by free-radicals and others environmental hazards.
  • The higher the capacity of repairing the worn out cells, the lesser appearance of the signs of aging, especially the tell-tales signs of premature aging, such as chronic fatigue, wringkles, pigmentation, dry, and rough skin etc.
Level 3: Renewal/Regeneration

  • The body's ability ti replace the "irreparable or dead cells" with fresh new young cells.
  • The more efficient the body is in replacing these dead cells, the lesser chances of the body developing chronic degenerative deseases such as arthritis, heart disease, Alzheimer's disease, diabetes, etc.
  • It also means that our appearance will look so much "younger" due to lesser build up of waste materials and the body's ability to rejuvenate it self.
Just give a visit to the local health store or pharmacy. Browse around and notice that the products offered all act to keep your body healthy and young at Levels 1 and 2, but not Level 3. Only cell therapy can cause your body to renew, rejuvenate, and regenerate.

3. How Does Cell Therapy Work ?
Let's be aware that cell therapy is practiced every day such as Blood transfusion and Transplanting an entire Organs. No one knows exactly how cell therapy works. Basically, cell therapy is transplanting an organ; but instead of actually transplanting an organ, you are transplanting the cells of an organ. The transplanted cells then somehow bring about the revitalization of their corresponding organs.
We  don't know all that there is yet to know about cell therapy. But we do know that the implantation by injection or oral live cells has the following advantages over conventional procedure of surgical transplant:
  1. Implantation of cells by injection brings about a rapid despersion of the cell material all over the body.
  2. The cells are not injured due to lack of blood supplies during the dispersion, which is very commonly the reason for the death of cells sfter the organ transplant.
  3. Since the cells are injected in the form of suspension, a rapid incorporation into the metabolic processes of the body occurs.
  4. Organs that are impossible to transplant (such as the brain or some of the endocrine glands) or very difficult to transplant (such as kidneys, heart, or liver) can be implanted in the form of cells very easily.
  5. Fetal tissues, with their higher biological potencies, are implanted in the recipient and used at various sites in the body. The recipient organism it self controls and carries out a selective incorporation of the various fetal cells.
The fact is that the body usually accepts the individual cells injected during cell therapy. Again, we don't know exactly why. Perhaps this is so because cell therapy uses embryonic cells, whose immunological makeup is still incomplete. Whatever the reason, we do know the cells do somehow get by the body's immune system.
But that's not all. Not only do they get into the body. they also go straight to their corresponding organs. Liver cells go to the liver, spleen cells go to the spleen, sex gland cells go to the sex glands, and so on. Scientific studies, in which these glandular substances were tagged with radioisotopes before injection, have proved that the injected (and ingested) cells do find their way to the specific corresponding organ.
Once the cells have found their way to the target organs or glands, they have the power to rebuild entire organ or gland because Independent studies by cellular biologists have discover that a single cell from a specific organ contains the information needed to rebuild entire organ or gland.
Two major theories explain how cells bring about revitalization of ailing or aging organ. One theory says that the genetic information contained in the RNA and DNA of the "old" cells is defective, because of either age or disease. perhaps the old cells genetic codes have developed gaps or incorrect bits of information. This cellular genetic misinformation causes the cells to reproduce inefficiently. The new cells do not look or function as well as they should.c
Along comes the fresh, young cells, with their fresh genetic information contained in their DNA and RNA. This theory says taht the new cells carry the correct genetic message to the old cells. The new cells replace the misinformation with the proper, original genetic codes. The mistakes are corrected and the gaps filled. Once the correct information is in place, the organ or gland begins to function correctly - as if it, too, were as "young" as donor cells.
The second theory is simpler. It explains the aging of the cells in much the same way: As we age, our cells gradually lose their ability to function precisely as they were intended. This theory, however, doesn't bother with genetic codes. It says that the mere presence of the fresh cells stimulates secretions that activate the aging or diseased cells to get back on the track and function properly.
The implantation provides the recipient organisms with a great number of biochemical substrates and enzymes that are found in very high concentrations and unique composition in the fetal and juvenile cells and tissues.

4. Modern-day Cell Therapy
Modern day live cell therapy was propagated by Dr Paul Niehans who discovered the benefits of live cell therapy and wrote, "I thought the effect would be short-lived, just like the effect of an injection of hormones, and that I should have to repeat the injection. But to my great surprise, the injection of fresh cells not only failed to provoke a reaction but the effect lasted, and longer than any synthetic hormone, any implant or any surgical graft."
Thus cell therapy was born and thousands have received live cell injections at his Clinique La Prairie in Montreaux, Switzerland. Today, the world's rich and famous, including well-known personalities and VIPs, are known to go for placental injections in Switzerland to maintain their youthful bloom. Celebrities from the world over use them to preserve their youthful bloom. Celebrities from the world over use them to preserve their youthful appearances. Politicians use them to maintain vitality and endurance.

5. Benefits of Live Cell Therapy
Live cell therapy has been effective for the following conditions: general loss of vitality, physical and mental exhaustion,convalescence after illness, premature aging, signs of deterioration of the brain, heart, kidneys, lungs, liver, and digestive organs, lack of drive and declining
 mental efficiency, weakness of the immune system, arthritis and other degenerative diseases of the connective tissue, under function of the endocrine glands, disturbances of menopause, parkinsonism, chronic pain, migraine, headaches,neuralgia, back pain, sciatica, heart, atherosclerosis of the brain, and peripheral circulation.
The basic therapeutic effect of cell therapy was described Dr Niehans as "organotropic cellular regeneration in the impairred organs." In other words, the therapy stimulated the disease and aging-damaged organs to regenerate. This restoration usually takes anywhere from three to six months after injections. Any immediate effect, explained Niehans, would have to be caused by hormones, not cellular regeneration.
Cell therapy can also increase the strength and pliability of this important structural element of the body. The youthful appearance of your skin is determined in large part by the health of your connective tissue. How youthful your joints, muscle, and blood vessels function also depends on the condition of your connective tissue.
In other words benefits of Live Cell Therapy is:
  • Finer skin texture and even toned complexion
  • Smoother, softer and velvety skin
  • Lighten the appearance of freckles, pigmentation
  • Hydrating skin, erasing lines and wrinkles
  • Enhance skin renewal process and reduce the appearance of scars
  • Regulate the natural sebum production and reduce open pores
  • Firming up of sagging bust in women
  • Regenerated cells, tissues and organs
  • Boost in immunity
  • Vast improvement in alertness and mental functions

6. Why Placenta ?
Placenta is the breed of life. It is created for just one purpose, and that is to protect and provide all the nutrients the growing foetus needs. It is hence a rich source of important and vital nutrients with the necessary "building block (Nucleic Acids, Amino Acids, RNA, DNA)" and "enzymes (SOD, Catalase, Glutathione, Hyaluronic Acids, Natural Moisturizing Factors, Senescent Cell Activating Factor, Epidermal Growth Factors)" for growth.
One the placenta has served its purpose, it is not needed and has no role anymore. There is 3 roles of the placenta:
  • Nourishing the developing embryo
  • Regulate the maintenance of the pregnancy
  • The immune system for the unborn baby

7. Placenta Injections
Today, there are many beauty clinics offering placenta injections. I have no objections to placenta injections if it is of proven quality and safety. Often these beauty clinics inject placenta that are not approved by health authorities. This is dangerous ! The Placenta may contain hormones as it has not been tested in the laboratory and long term hormonal intake can lead to cancer and other side effects.
Furthermore, the placenta may be riddled with diseases such as Mad Cows, Scrapie or Foot and Mouth Disease. There are many reports of such incidents with unregulated placenta injections
Many of these placenta injections that are not approved by the health authorities may not have stability data to prove that the live cells are indeed alive. You may be injecting Dead Cells instead !

8. Human Growth Hormone (HGH)
HGH was originally taken from human cadavers to treat children with stunted growth, but, unfortunately, some were infected with Creutzfeld -Jacobs disease (human Mad Cows' Disease). Synthetic Growth Hormones (GH) were then developed.
A study by Dr Daniel Rudman was published in the New England Journal of Medicine which showed that injecting growth hormones under the skin of men aged 61-81, increased lean body mass by 8,8%, and decreased their body fat by 14,4%. Bone density was increased in the spine and the men's skin thickned. However, supplementation did not reverse the negative effects of aging such as declining muscular strength and aerobic capacity. There is no proof that these men actually lived longer, were healtier or had a better quality of life. Furthermore, in studies on HGH, serious side effect occur in 24 to 36 % of the subjects. These include swollen feet and ankles, joint pain, carpal tunnel syndrome and pre-diabetes.
Furthermore, these initial studies were done on Growth Hormones Injections, and not the sublingual (under the tongue) spray formulation which networking companies (MNC) still have their HGH as injections. If huge multi-national companies with thousands of scientists and billions of research dollars cannot develop and stabilize GH in spray form, then how can small Health Food Supplement companies do so ?
The HGH a large peptide (191 Amino Acids) and is twice the size of insulin hormone. If large pharmaceutical companies still cannot develop insulin that can be absorbed under the tongue, how can they do so for HGH ? The millions of diabetics surely do not like to have injections everyday.
Note that the HGH used are all "synthetic".
The great health author, Leslie Kenton wrote, "By far the most powerful rejuvenating effect from increased levels of HGH are brought by the way you eat and live. Most of what stimulates the production of growth hormone is things over which we have control of."
Increasing hormone growth secretion by:
Deep sleep
Isotonic/resistance exercice
Decrease of blood glucose
Adequate protein diet
If look at the following table. You can get your HGH for free !

9. Dehydro-Epiandrosterone (DHEA)
DHEA is weak steroid hormone synthesized primarily from cholesterol by the adrenal cortex. The marketers of this hormone has labels it as a protection for cancer, heart disease, and diabetes; while bolstering the immune system; preserving youth; facilitates lean tissue gain and losing body fat.
DHEA levels decline after the age of 30, and by age 75 the plasma levels are only 20% of young adults. Popular reasoning concludes that DHEA supplementation blunts the negative effects of aging by raising plasma concentrations to youthful levels.
Pharmaceutical companies synthesize DHEA from chemicals of extract it from wild yam. The dose available ranges from 10mg to 2000mg. Little is known about is effect on healthy aging, and its potential for side effects. Concern exists about the effect of unregulated long-term DHEA supplementation at or above 50mg on bodily function and overall health.
The DHEA converts into androgens such as testosterone promoting facial hair in females and alters the menstrual function. Like exogenous anabolic steroids, DHEA lowers HDL cholesterol to increase heart disease risk. Clinicians are worried that elevating plasma DHEA may stimulate growth of otherwise dormant prostate gland tumors or cause benign prostatic hypertrophy.

10. Marine Proteins & Collagen
The dermis of the skin has 3 important components-collagen, elastin and mucopolysacchrides. Collagen provides the skins its intergrity and elastin gives the skin its elasticity. Collagen products flood the cosmetic and health shops promising youthful and wrinkleless skin. Mucopolysacchrides in the skin gives it suppleness and binds water. There are certain marine proteins being marketed as anti-aging skin supplements. They include Imedeen and Estime. They are the substrate for skin mucopolysaccharide.
  • Wrinkles are due to a decrease in collagen.
  • Skin sagging is due to loss of elastin.
  • Loss of skin suppleness is due to loss of mucopolysaccharides in the dermis.
In the skin, is cell called "fibroblast'. The fibroblast cell manufactures collagen, elastin and mucopolysacchrides naturally but with age the production slow down. Placenta live cells can rejuvenate the fibroblast ti produce collagen, elastin and mucopolysaccharides erasing wrinkles, restoring skin elasticity and suppleness.
Placenta live cells replaces your collagen, elastin and monopolysaccharides in the most natural way by getting your own body to produce it.

11. Plant Placenta
There are some things in nature you cannot change, Some marketers will tell you that plants too have embryos and placentas like animals. If you look at any dictionary, it says a placenta is only found in mammals and not all animals. The placenta develops from the same sperm and egg cells that from the fetus, and the functions as fetomaternal organ with two components, the fetal part (Chorion Frondosum) and the maternal part (Decidua Basailis). It is only found in female vertebbrates.

12. Oral Placenta
In the exclusive clinics the live cells have to be obtained and frozen. It is then thawed before given to the patient. But today with freeze-drying technology, the live cells can be preserved and remain bioactive for 3-4 years. Freeze-drying technology makes live cells therapy now available in capsule form.
Emulsification technology allows larger molecules to be absorbed by the bile-chlyomicron pathway.

The problem with oral placenta is that a lot of the anti-aging factors and proteins are destroyed by stomach acid. Hence all of them had to be taken on empty stomach for best results. But with enteric coating technology each capsule is uniquely coated to withstand stomach acid. The capsule is designed to dissolve in the small intestine to maximize the body's absorption of placenta ingredients. Placenta capsules that are enteric-coated can be taken before or after meals.

Placenta live cells, as with the other ingredients, is perishable - it deteriorates as a result of the action of bacteria, light, and air. Normal encapsulation introduces air into the capsule that contains free radicals that will oxidize and make the placenta live cells rancid. The live cells become dead cells. The rest of the ingredients inside the capsule also become oxidized. Placenta that is  called "The Living Capsule" is filled with nitrogen during encapsulation to displace normal air that decomposes placenta live cells and other ingredients. by voiding the capsule inside of oxygen. bacteria can thrive and decompose the placenta live cells and other ingredients.

13. Sheep, Deer or Human Placenta
Sheep and Deer protein and placenta are more popularly chosen because of its biocompatibility with humans and is known to provoke no allergic reactions. fetal stem cells have also not yet developed antigenicity. Sheep and Deer placenta is preferably sourced from New Zealand rather than Europe where outbreaks of diseases such as Foot & Mouth Disease, Scrapie, and Mad Cow Disease are a serious concern. These diseases can effect sheep and deer.
If you visit you can see that New Zealand is free from Foot & Mouth Disease, Scapie, and BSE (Mad Cow Disease). Countries like Switzerland and China are not free of these diseases. These two countries are not isolated country and infected cattle, birds and sheep can cross borders unlike in New Zealand where the country is isolated.
There are preparations of Human placenta. But wisdom questions the source ? Have the human placenta been tested for Hepatitis, HIV, and other Viruses ? Are these placenta gotten by illegal means from third world countries ? Would you yourself sell your own placenta products ? I believe these are important questions to ask, and that it is best to avoid human placenta until satisfactory answers can be given regarding the source of human placenta.

 14. Purtier Ingredients

15. Dimension, Prices and Reliable Certifications os Safety
Dimension Box of Purtier Placenta is:
8.5 inches x 6,5 inches x 3,5 inches or 21 cm x 17 cm x 9 cm
Weight =1 lbs or 500 grams

Prices of Purtier Placenta is:
1 Package = 7  Boxes         US$ 2717
1 Box          = 2 Bottles       US$  390
1 Bottle = 30 capsules


Reliable Certifications of Safety

16. Closing
There are many things we don't know about biochemical engineering, renewal, and regeneration, Perhaps we shall not know exactly how cell therapy works until cellular biologists unlock all the secrets of cell. But one thing we know is that fresh placenta live cells will impart their vigour to old and degenerating cells in the body, stimulating them to be renewed and function with restore efficiency. Body organs retain their vigour and vitality. In addition ti its revitalising powers, the worn out old cells take on the characteristics of younger and healthier cells.
Many degenerative diseases such as arthritis, diabetes mellitus, senile dementia, osteoporosis, skin wrinkles, circulatory disturbances, menopause, sexual impotence and chronic fatigue can benefit from stimulation by fresh placenta live cells.
Quote from Oak Publication <Oak Publication SDN BHD (7368844.-T)> 

18. Q & A
PURTIER PLACENTA is a live cell therapy that contains deer stem cells that can differentiate to other cells to rejuvenate the body. It also encapsulates many other youthful ingredients to protect, repair and rejuvenate the body's tissues and organs to keep a person 'young'.
How does PURTIER PLACENTA work ?
PURTIER PLACENTA contains live cells that can impart their vigor to worn out adult cells. They also contain many growth factors and enzymes, which drives a fetus to grow. Stem/fetal cells divide and multiply at a rate 100 times that of normal adult cells.
PURTIER PLACENTA capsule also contains many bioactive nutrients that provide the necessary building blocks needed for cell multiplication and rejuvenation, such as amino-acids, phospholipids, etc.
What is Live Cell Therapy ?
In the past, many rich and famous personalities go to Switzerland for placenta (Sheep) injections. These are done in exclusive clinics and cost anything starting from USD30,000. The results are dramatic. These placentas are usually fresh and sterilized and frozen for injection. The shelf life of these placentas is rather short.

With improved manufacturing techniques, it is now possible to freeze-dry the placenta to preserve the cells and that they remain "live" even 3-4 years later as long as it is stored correctly.

We are living beings and must consume live elements like the eagle, rather than feed off dead carcasses like vultures.
How does PURTIER PLACENTA compare to placenta injections ?
Giving placenta injections must be under medical supervision as complications can occur such as allergic shock and sometimes sepsis.

The original Swiss placenta injections are tailored to the individual.

PURTIER PLACENTA has the same dramatic effects and the results differ from person to person depending on their health status.

People who go for injections normally go for repeat injections every few years, as the results will wear-off. An oral PURTIER PLACENTA will be good to maintain the effects for these people and they may not need to go for repeat injections or delay their next trip to Switzerland.
What about human placenta injections ?
They're some preparations of human placenta available by injection. Some people have reported fantastic results. There is a preparation from Japan. But in reality, which civilized country, will allow its human placenta or its own blood and flesh to be commercialized? The source of the placenta is questionable and probably from under-privileged countries. Human diseases can also be transmitted by such injections.
How are the macronutrients in PURTIER PLACENTA absorbed ?
Micronutrients are easily absorbed.

In the manufacturing process there is also a special emulsifying process, which enables larger molecules to be absorbed. For instance, with complete enteral nutrition, the preparation is emulsified so larger nutrients can be absorbed via the chlyomicron /bile pathway, For instance the normal GI pathway via the blood absorption peptide chains of only 15-30 amino acids long can be absorbed, but via the chylomicron /bile pathway peptides up to 300 amino-acid long can be absorbed.

In deer placenta there are many small peptides that represent many growth enzymes that drive growth and these are absorbed.

Some peptides on HPLC detection columns are similar to growth factors in the adult human, and are juvenile growth factors.
Does it cause cancer ?
There are always concerns that animal products may contain hormones and thus drive and promote cancer. Firstly PURTIER PLACENTA is tested negative for sex steroids (testosterone, estrogen, progesterone) and free of commercial steroids (prednisolone, hydrocortisone, cortisone etc.)

Furthermore the cause of cancer in most cases are unknown. Some say it is more of a mutation (i.e. virus, radiation) of the genes than activation of the mutated cancer genes by stimulants such as steroids.

Some hormone-related cancers are also not clear-cut, For instance, some breast cancer has estrogen receptors and some don't.

Some cancer treatment involves boosting the immune system, and deer placenta in rejuvenating the body helps to boost the immune system.
If I am on HRT will it be okay to take PURTIER PLACENTA ?
There is no hard and fast rule, and it depends on the individual. Generally there is no problem to take PURTIER PLACENTA while on HRT therapy as it is hormone-free and may also help menopausal symptoms.

PURTIER PLACENTA is after all a food supplement.
How is useful for menopausal women and can we replace it with HRT ?
Menopause is a result of a women aging. The reproductive system that has its regular cycles of hormonal changes comes to a stop. Generally, women experiencing menopause will benefit from PURTIER PLACENTA and have less symptoms such as flushing, vaginal dryness etc. The placenta also contains small peptides that resemble juvenile hormones and thereby able to regulate the reproductive system that results from hormonal deficiency associated with menopause.

We do not recommend that you necessarily need to come off HRT once you are on PURTIER PLACENTA, but some women who have taken PURTIER PLACENTA have done so and find that it is equally as good. Furthermore with the recent clinical data showing increased risk of cancer and cardiovascular disease with conventional HRT, many women are turning to alternatives such as Placenta and phyto-estrogens.
Do I take it life-long ?
You're encouraged to do so especially if you find it beneficial. Moreover, there is no known side effects with prolonged intake.
Do I need to continue my other supplements ?
PURTIER PLACENTA is a supplement that speeds up the body rejuvenation. But if you feel there is also a need to take other supplement you may do so.
Why do we need PURTIER PLACENTA ?
The moment we are born we start to age. Believe it or not, we were made to live 120 years, but because of the lifestyle we live, our dietary habits, pollution and the stresses of modern living, we experience aging and disease prematurely.

A lot of these lifestyle factors generate free-radicals which damages cells and tissues and this is a prominent theory to aging. PURTIER PLACENTA contains not only antioxidants to prevent the free radical damage of cells, but also has the ingredients in the live cells to rejuvenate the damage and worn-out cells and tissues.
I am already taking so many supplements, so how ?
PURTIER PLACENTA offers a benefit that supplements don't and that is renewal and rejuvenation to make your body healthy and feel younger.
How is the deer placenta obtained ?
The deer placenta live cells are extracted from the afterbirth and there is no sacrifice of deer life. These cells are then freeze-dried to preserve them.

19. Testimonial's  Videos