Wednesday, February 15, 2012


The Source

In October 2001, we were introduced to a new strain of Chlorella familiy of Algae, called Cryptomonadales (scientifically named as Chlorella Sorokiniana). It has been known as the king of all algae in the world.
This new strain was developed by Professor Wang Shun Te, infamous microbiologists in Taiwan for the past 40 years. It contains not only the highest quality nutritional values including C.G.F. (Cryptomonadales Growth Factor) but also it has a soft outer cell wall.

Prof Wang and his laboratory plant

Under microscope 800 times, observe the splitting of Cryptomodales into 4 single cells in 24 hours.

Prof Wang and his cryptomonadales cultivation plant in Taiwan
It does not require its cell wall to be broken, and it has naturally a 95% digestibility rate in less than 2 hours after you have consumed it. Unlike the other common Chlorella (chlorella pyrenoidosa) had a 85% digestibility rate in 5 hours.
This may be the pathway for you to regain the good health you once had or to continue improving the good health you already have.
Our goals are to share with you and all your friends the world most wonderful whole food supplements that have been so beneficial in restoring and maintaining our health. And to be equally beneficial to you for your knowledge and continuing good health.
Facts on Cryptomonadales
Balanced Nutrients
As the balanced nutrients contained in Cryptomonadales, a natural food, are whole nutrients required for human cells mostly, there would not be any side effect even when extra doses are taken.
Improve Constitution
Cryptomonadales can change the acidic body into milder alkaline qualities and improve immunity. The S-Nucleotide contained in Cryptomonadales cells can enhance the vitality of macrophage, which will get rid of cancer cells and viruses, etc. in return.
A Required Supplement for Vegetarians
Cryptomonadales is nature's richest food source of vitamin B12 and complements the specific weakness of vegetarian nutrition as no other plant food can.
Natural Regeneration and Slimming
Obesity is caused by deficiency of vitamin B complex. When required vitamin B complex can be supplemented by taking Cryptomonadales, constitution will be improved and the effect of natural slimming will be achieved.
Eradicate Atopic Dermatitis
As Cryptomonadales contains Gamma-linolenic acid, an unsaturated fatty acid in breast milk, atopic dermatitis can be eliminated efficiently. In addition, growing babies who are deficient in nutrients from drinking processed milk instead of breast milk can be supplemented by taking Cryptomonadales.
Avoid Anemia and Osteoporosis
Profuse iron and calcium are the major mineral sources for females since iron lost during periods can be supplemented efficiently and osteoporosis at old age can be prevented.
Prevent Aging
As Cryptomonadales contains SOD enzyme (anti-oxidant), SOD deficiency resulted from increasing age and decreasing metabolism can be complemented, which will slow down aging and prevent wrinkles, chloasma, Melasma (black spots) and gray hair from occurring.
Relieve Diabetes Patients of Various Symptoms
As Cryptomonadales is an alkaline food with rich potassium and plant protein contents, long-term intake can ensure to change the acidic body of diabetes patients into alkaline qualities efficiently as well as to improve various diabetes symptoms significantly.
Cancer Prevention Function
  • A. Change the acidic body into milder alkaline qualities.
  • B. Boost Immunity.
  • C. Contain rich SOD enzyme (anti-oxidant).
Improve the Bowel System (hyperacidity, gastric ulcer, gastroenteritis)
Cryptomonadales can repair mucous membranes, reduce inflammation and irritation, restrain and neutralize hydrochloric acid, activate movement within intestinal walls and bowels and assist peristaltic action.
Reinforce Liver Functions and Regenerate Healthy Liver Cells
Cryptomonadales can regenerate the liver tissues and motivate metabolism because it contains factors of strengthening livers and building up the functions of the blood system.
Health is Wealth
Invest in holistic health, enjoy a peaceful lifestyle for you and your family.

Crypto Force: Whole food with balance nutrition
Crypto Force is very safe to be consumed by everyone at any age, from baby, children, young adult all the way to matured one with any condition. We advise for even greater result to consume more water, take more vegetables and fruits, and do a regular exercise. It is better to consume less meat, fish (seafood), fat, sugar and processed food.

Crypto Force is from 100% natural ingredients and contain NO sugar, sweeteners, flavouring, fillers, binders, preservatives or additives of ANY kind, no harmful substances, even in excess amounts.
Satu Crypto Force is known as the best micro vegetable that can be consumed regularly, daily without side effects.

    Function of Crypto Force :
  • Complete, balanced mix of nutrients, rich in chlorophyll 100% Cryptomonadales, the complete food among all algaes. It helps giving nourishes your body from head to toe. It is natural, organic and easy to be digested and absorbed.
  • Increases energy level, as it is absorbed well in the body.
  • Restore youthfulness and vitality It gives large amount of chlorophyll, which helps the body to excrete toxic substances from the blood stream, and boost the function of hemopoieses, or the making of blood. About 70 – 80 % of human body is made up of bood. The energy level in the cells with be weak if the blood is not clean. If the blood is clean, the cells will be younger and healthier
  • Neutralizes acidic substances stored in our body over time Modern nutrient finds that acidic body constitution is the major cause of premature aging, and illness. Crypto force is a high alkaline food that help neutralize acidic substances. People with neutral or slightly alkaline body constitution are full of vitality, having smooth and beautiful complexion and a younger biological age.

Best 1 hour before meals (best is to be taken in the morning).
  • 3 – 10 tablet for healthy baby and toddler
  • 10 – 20 tabler for healthy children and youth
  • 10 – 30 tablet daily in the morning for healthy adult

NOTE - to achieve greater benefit of our product:
Amount for the sick to start with may be varies depending on age, illness, sicknesses and complication
(please contact office for better advice)

1 Bottle Crypto Force (@600 tablets) Rp 740.000,00 ( US$ 88)
Price doesn't included S&H for Shipping and Handling, please contact us !

Crypto Max: CGF Extract
We are living in a very stressful and corrupt world that result wt poor diet. Filled with junk food, chemicals, drugs and pollutions. All these negative factors break down our DNA/RNA and immune system at a hazardous rate, making us vulnerable to diseases.

Crypto Max enhance to tissue repair, detoxifies at cellular level, improves bowel functions and stimulates the immune system without undesirable side effects. These effect rejuvenate the body, making you look younger, and feel more vibrant.

The essence of Cryptomonadales, concentrated in the nucleic acid and 100% Cell Growth Factor (CGF) of Cryptomonadales, extract powder (S-Nucleotide, Peptide, DNA, dan RNA). It helps in deep tissue repair and excellent in anti-aging and anti-cancer.

    Function of Crypto Max
  • Replenishes body’s nucleic factors, abundant in RNA dan DNA
  • Promote tissue repairs
  • Stimulates and strengthen immune system
  • Strengthening blood system

Crypto Max is extracted from 100% natural ingredients and contain NO sugar, sweeteners, flavouring, fillers, binders, preservatives or additives of ANY kind, no harmful substances, even in excess amounts.

Best 1 hour before meals.
1 to 2 capsules daily in the morning for healthy adult (for maintainance)

NOTE - to achieve greater benefit of our product:
  • Amount for the sick to start with may be varies depending upon age, illness, sicknesses and complication (please contact your doctor or office for better advice)
  • Best is to be taken with Crypto Force
1 Box Crypto Max (@10 capsuls) Rp 765.000,00 (US$ 90) 
Price doesn't included S&H for Shipping and Handling, please contact us !

Crypto PPARs liquid and softgel: the most important molecule in 21 century
In a layman tern, Crypto PPARs helps to activate all our human celss to help building its strong immune system towards fighting internal and external viruses by the best Mother Nature way without any side effect

Crypto PPARs is extracted from 100% natural ingredients and contain NO sugar, sweeteners, flavouring, fillers, binders, preservatives or additives of ANY kind, no harmful substances, even in excess amounts.

Best 1 hour before meals.
Softgel :1 to 2 gel daily in the morning for healthy adult (for maintainance)
Liquid : once it is opened, it has to be consume entirely within 24 hours

NOTE - to achieve greater benefit of our product:

  • Amount for the sick to start with may be varies depending upon illness, sicknesses and complication (please contact your doctor or office for better advice)
  • Best is to be taken with Crypto Force
1 Box Crypto PPARs Soft Gel (@10 softgels) Rp 740.000,00 (US$ 88) 
1 Box Crypto PPARs Liquid (@ 12 ml / bottle) Rp 700.000,00 (US$ 83)
Price doesn't included S&H for Shipping and Handling, please contact us !  

FAQ on Cryptomonadales®

Tell me briefly about Cryptomonadales® nutrients.
Cryptomonadales® has more than 20 different vitamins and minerals and provides an abundance of naturally occurring beta carotene. Beta carotene opens the membrane communication channels of cancerous and pre-cancerous cells, allowing the body to signal the cancerous line to stop dividing. Thus, foods rich in beta carotene may not only be able to prevent but also reverse cancers (Wolf 1992). Cryptomonadales® is also 50 to 60 percent protein and is one of the highest natural sources of DNA and RNA. Additionally, Cryptomonadales® is one of the highest natural sources of chlorophyll (green pigment) and phycocyanin (blue pigment). Plus, Cryptomonadales® also contains iron, iodine, zinc and it is rich in lysine, which is often lacking in our high-wheat diets. Finally, Cryptomonadales® contains more vitamin B-12 than beef liver. Cryptomonadales® is an excellent plant source of vitamin B-12 that is often lacking in many vegetarian diets.

Can Cryptomonadales® replace my vitamin and mineral supplements?
Cryptomonadales® is not a vitamin supplement. Cryptomonadales® is a whole food supplement. There is a big difference between the two. The actions of the individual nutrients a whole food supplement contains are different if they are not combined in the same harmonious relationships. If just one of the nutrients is isolated and used for its known effects on the body (as in vitamin & mineral supplements), it will not have the same tonic effect as it will as a whole food. This is known as a synergism - the combination has a different and more enhanced effect than the individual component's effect would have. However, it does not mean that a product made with a combination of several isolated vitamins and /or minerals is considered as effective as a whole food supplement. Although a combination of several isolated vitamins and /or minerals may create "synergism", they are still isolated nutrients, not whole food. Our bodies digest, absorb and utilize the nutrients from these isolated nutritional supplements far less than from whole food supplements. It is our opinion that you would be wasting your money on vitamin and mineral supplements, because more than half of what you would be taking would simply be flushed right out of your body. Worse, some of these isolated nutrients could accumulate in your body burdening your liver and kidneys. Our bodies simply have a hard time recognizing nutrients in isolated vitamin / mineral supplements. Our bodies do recognize and utilize to the fullest the nutritional values from whole foods and whole food supplements.

How does Cryptomonadales® compare with the well-known chlorella?
The two most important factors are ease of digestibility and nutritional content. Since people started taking chlorella as a supplement, there has always been a problem with its digestion due to the hard cell wall. In 1998, a group of microbiologists in Taiwan discovered Cryptomonadales®. Cryptomonadales® has a thin soft cell wall and does not require the cell wall breaking process. Cryptomonadales® has a 95% digestibility rate within 1 to 2 hours. The earlier chlorella product (Chlorella Pyrenoidosa), even with a special patented broken cell wall process, only delivers up to 85% digestibility rate within 5 hours (barely 70% in 2 hours). The nutritional content of Cryptomonadales® is the most varied and richest strain of chlorella. One of the nutrients unique to Cryptomonadales® is the blue pigment phycocyanin. Phycocyanin is not found in any other strain of chlorella. It is the phycocyanin in Cryptomonadales® that is thought to help protect the liver and kidneys from toxins. Phycocyanin is a powerful antioxidant and is also showing promise in treating cancer in animals by stimulating the immune system (lijima, et al. 1982). Some of the other nutrients found in Cryptomonadales® are a full complement of all of the essential amino and fatty acids, superoxide dismutase, glycolipids, sulfolipids, various carotenoids, RNA and DNA, trace elements and more than 2000 enzymes. The only way to judge the effectiveness of Cryptomonadales ® is to try it yourself.

How does Cryptomonadales® compare with barley, wheat grass and alfalfa?
Many "green" foods are good sources of chlorophyll, but by comparison, chlorella is the highest natural source of chlorophyll. The result of a laboratory test shows that chlorella has 5 times more milligrams of chlorophyll per serving than wheat grass, 12 times more than barley and nearly 50 times more than alfalfa. In fact, 2 to 3 % of chlorella is chlorophyll, the highest level of any edible plant, and Cryptomonadales® contains more chlorophyll than any other chlorella. Chlorophyll cleanses and builds up healthy blood and tissues. Unlike wheat grass, barley and alfalfa, Cryptomonadales® is a complete whole food. The whole plant gives us the advantage of all the protoplasmic elements that aid in the growth and development of our cells. In fact, no other vitamin or mineral can ever replace the value of a whole food.

Will Cryptomonadales® help me lose weight?
Cryptomonadales® is not a weight loss product, however, people who take Cryptomonadales®, when dieting, often experience a higher level of energy because Cryptomonadales® contains 60 percent protein and because it is a whole food. It also helps to satisfy the appetite by providing the energy that results from good nutrition. Many people who use Cryptomonadales® discover that they lose their desire for unnecessary snacks and do not even miss them. Cryptomonadales® can help restore the natural balance of the body so that a real and permanent change can be made in your overall health and weight.

What is the difference between Cryptomonadales ® Growth Factor (CGF) extract and tablets?
Cryptomonadales® Extract (CGF) is a concentrate that comes from the nucleus of the plant where the nucleic acids DNA and RNA are found. Cryptomonadales® Extract (CGF) is extracted nucleic material from chlorella. 
CGF detoxifies, stimulates the immune system, improves bowel function, enhances tissue repair and guards cellular integrity, thus promotes longevity without undesirable side effects. Since Cryptomonadales ® Growth Factor (CGF) extract does not contain any fat-soluble nutrients, such as chlorophyll or phycocyanin, it should be taken regularly with Cryptomonadales® tablets. For those who are going through treatments of a major illness or injury, those who are recovering from illness or injury, those whose immune system is compromised, we strongly recommend you take Cryptomonadales® Extract (CGF) capsules along with Cryptomonadales tablets 

Can I take Cryptomonadales® along with prescriptions?
Yes. Cryptomonadales® is a whole food and as such will not normally interfere with the functioning of your medicines, either prescription or over-the-counter, however, virtually all prescription or over-the-counter medicine should be taken alone on an empty stomach at least two hours before or two hours after a meal for maximum effect. Please consult you pharmacist and or doctor concerning your use of prescription medicines.

How much and how often should I take Cryptomonadales®?
Because Cryptomonadales® is a whole food, you can enjoy large quantities without harmful effects. Cryptomonadales® can be taken once a day or several times a day, before meals or on an empty stomach. One teaspoon of chlorella powder is equivalent to 15 tablets. Most people take 15 to 20 tablets per day to maintain good health. When combating illness or recovering from trauma, please consider taking 25 to 30 tablets per day . Once you reach the full dosage (15 tablets a day), you may feel improvements right away, or depending on your body constitution and lifestyle factors, it may take up to 6 months until you start seeing good results. The longer Cryptomonadales® is taken the more benefits should be enjoyed. Please remember that good health is your responsibility. Taking Cryptomonadales® should be a part of your overall plan to improve and maintain your own good health.

We looking for overseas reseller or distributor .... to get other people to get they health back, please contact


What is Health?
According to the World Health Organization, "Health is more than the absence of disease. Health is a state of optimal well-being."
Optimal well-being is a concept of health that goes beyond the curing of illness to one of achieving wellness.
Achieving wellness requires balancing the various aspects of the whole person. These aspects are physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual. This broader, holistic approach to health involves the integration of all of these aspects and is an ongoing process

Your health is your responsibility

Many of us have been brought up to believe that our health depends solely on the quality of the healthcare we receive. The truth is, your health is your responsibility. You are the only person who can make the lifestyle decisions that contribute to your well-being. You are the one who must take the steps to preserve your health and promote your wellness. Only you have the power to create wellness for yourself.
Your power lies in the choices you make every day on your own behalf. If you react out of habit or fixed attitudes, you may not be using your choices wisely to create wellness in your life. To create wellness you must expand your focus beyond mere physical health, and:
Strive to balance and integrate your physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual aspects Establish respectful, cooperative relationships with your family, friends, community, and the environment Gather information and make informed wellness-oriented choices Actively participate in your health decisions and healing process.
Wellness Quiz
Do you wake up with enthusiasm for the day ahead? Do you have the high energy you need to do what you want? Do you laugh easily and often, especially at yourself? Do you confidently find solutions for the challenges in your life? Do you feel valued and appreciated? Do you appreciate others and let them know it? Do you have a circle of warm, caring friends? Do the choices you make every day get you what you want? If you answered "no" to any of these questions, congratulations! You
have identified areas in your life that you may want to change. This can
be valuable information.

Training yourself

We've already talked about the fact that the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual aspects of yourself must be in balance for optimal well-being. But what exactly do we mean? What sorts of activities and choices lead to wellness? The following suggestions are some of the specific things you can do to enhance your health and promote your own wellness.


Eat fresh, wholesome food. Avoid or limit sugar, salt and fatty foods. Replace processed foods with fresh vegetables and whole grains as much as possible.Drink lots of pure water. In many localities, where tap water is not pure, you may need to invest in a water filtration system or drink bottled water. Take time for enjoyable exercise. Some find it helpful to join a gym or lift weights. Others find activities such as dancing, walking, bicycling and skating enjoyable and beneficial. The important thing is to get at least 20 minutes of exercise three times a week. Get adequate rest. Many people do not realize that too little sleep may be the reason for inattentiveness or lack of motivation. Experiment to find out what your natural rhythm is and how much sleep you need to feel your best.


Laugh, play, and have fun often. Laughter is good medicine, and the ability to play is a necessity for a balanced life. Share your feelings with others. Spend time with the people you can trust with your feelings and give them the gift of really knowing you.Create warm, loving relationships. Forgive yourself and others. If you have issues or grievances with family and friends, face the issues and recover ost emotional closeness.


Explore new ideas. Find a hobby, take a class, read a nonfiction book, watch educational television.Cultivate positive attitudes. Instead of criticizing, catch yourself and others at being good. Look for what is positive in a situation.Examine your beliefs. Listen to other points of view. When others disagree with you, try to see things through their eyes.


Take time to be quiet with yourself. Meditate, pray, or go fishing. We each get in touch with our inner selves or a Higher Power in different ways.
Be open to your creativity. Learn to trust your innate creativity and intuitive thinking. Express the inner you. Savor the moment. Enjoy what you are doing now, instead of reliving the past or anticipating the future.

Be a participant - not a spectator

No one's life is perfect. We all have difficult situations, hard times, losses to deal with. But some people's lives seem to work better than others. Have you ever wondered why?
An important difference is in how they react to what happens to them. We always have a choice. In the game of life, the active participant comes out a winner, while the passive spectator is often the loser.

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